Moving toward research-based cancer nursing practice

Margaret Fitch, Anne Bolster, Dorothy Alderson, Gail Kennedy, Dianne Harrison Woermke


Research has a role in generating sound information and in helping cancer nurses make good practice decisions. Frequently, cancer nurses have not had the opportunity to learn about research. This article describes an approach for introducing research to cancer nurses. The approach was selected primarily to help cancer nurses see a relevancy in research. It also helped th e nurses see a use for the data gathered through research methods and experience a sense of investment in data collection activities. Four projects are highlighted to illustrate how nurses identified questions in their clinical practice and used systematic data collection to generate information (data) to help in their practice decision-making. The projects focus on information needs of women experiencing colposcopy, use of an information sheet for women with breast cancer after radiation, introduction of a new health assessment tool and identifying the needs of palliative care patients on an inpatient service.

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