CANO/ACIO Annual Conference Workshop Abstracts




Malignant hematology and stem cell transplant nursing – Talk hematology to me

Laurie Ann Holmes1
Anna Giulione2


International results on the specialty certification of advanced practice nurses: Implications for oncology nurses in Canada

Denise Bryant-Lukosius1,2, Lorelei Newton3,4, Catriona Buick3,5, Andrea Knox3,6, Bonnie Leung3,6


Revitalizing and integrating the CANO/ACIO Oncology Nursing Learning Pathway and Practice Framework: Designing an innovative education resource for nurses caring for persons with cancer

Sarah Champ1, Kara Jamieson-Wright2


Overcoming challenges in graduate education and research: CANO/ACIO Doctoral Student Network Workshop

Kylie Teggart1, Amina Silva2, Bonnie Leung3, Billy Vinette4, Tracy Powell5, Rebecca Puddester6, Kimberly Shapkin5, Francis Kobekyaa3, Aimee Castro7, Argin Malakian8, Jagbir Kaur3


Learning together about what’s working to improve cancer diagnoses

Leah Stephenson1, Aurelia Roman1, Taylor Tomko1, Amy Rosvold1, Rachael Manion2, Louise Binder3, Suzanne Wait4, Martin Dawes5, Stephanie Michaud6, Jennifer Rayner7, Michael Smylie8, Amy Hayes9, Sara Rauhullah9, Natalie Verreault10, Tim Marshall10


Strengthening oncology nurses’ symptom support competencies: A train-the-trainer workshop using COSTaRS practice guides

Dawn Stacey1,2, Amber Killam3, Jennifer Newton3


The Society for Integrative Oncology-American Society for Clinical Oncology Clinical Practice Guidelines for Pain and Anxiety/Depression

Lynda G. Balneaves1, Heather Greenlee2, Linda Carlson3, Alyson Doyle2, Nofisat Ismaila4, Richard Lee5, Jun Mao6, Debu Tripathy7, and Suzanne Zick8


Safe handing of hazardous drugs

Komal Patel Saini & Jiahui Wong


Cancer and medical cannabis: Therapeutic ‘pot’ential?

Reanne Booker1,2


LEADS in action – A hands-on workshop to building leadership competencies

Joy Tarasuk1, Ruby Gidda2


Take a stab at it: Developing vascular access resources for oncology practice

Cheryl Page, Janny Proba


Intimacy and sexuality after cancer: A workshop on nursing approach to address patients’ unmet needs

Janet Giroux1, Komal Patel Saini2


Integrating geriatric assessment into everyday oncology nursing practice: A hands-on workshop

Susie Monginot1, Rana Jin1, Bonnie Leung2, Kimberly Shapkin3,4, Allison Weins5, Fay Strohschein3


Developing a community of practice to support integration of geriatric assessment and management into everyday oncology nursing practice: An interactive discussion and workshop

Fay Strohschein1,2, Allison Wiens3, Bonnie Leung4, Susie Monginot5, Kimberly Shapkin1,6, Rana Jin5, Martine Puts7


How to foster safe and efficient cannabis use in oncology: Tips and recommendations for oncology nurses

Billy Vinette1–6


Using patient-reported outcomes (PROs) to facilitate serious illness conversations: An interactive workshop

April Hildebrand1, Claire Link1, Andrea DeIure1, Linda Watson1,2


Cancer patient navigation – The creation of a national orientation program

Sarah Champ1, Catherine Dixon2, Michelle L. Rosentreter3, Elizabeth Rioux4, Jodi Collier1


How can I support cancer survivorship from diagnosis to discharge? A workshop for clinical oncology nurses

Carrie MacDonald-Liska1, Karine Bilodeau2, Kelly-Anne Baines3


Merck Clinical Lectureship Award
Model of care – Virtual oncology in the Northwest Territories – Oncology clinic RN role

Catherine Dixon


Helene Hudson Memorial Lectureship Award sponsored by Amgen
Compassion fatigue: Harnessing the strength within

Tania Bergen, Hua Li


Supporting scholarship in oncology nursing: Achievements and lessons learned in the development of an Oncology Nursing Research Centre of Excellence

Anet Julius1, Lara Cooper1, Lindsay Carlsson1, Samantha J Mayo1,2


Nurse-initiated protocols and decision support tools in oncology nursing practice

Crystele Montpetit, Theressa Zapach


Exploring how to successfully make a nursing practice change: Frontline leaders using the ADKAR Model & the Knowledge Translation Challenge Process

Chelsea Kenny, Shelby Ritchey

Building on our strengths – Development of a joint foundational oncology orientation program

Cheryl Page, Kelly-Lynn Nancekivell, Janny Proba, Suganya Vadivelu


Strengthening oncology nursing partnerships: Development of a hybrid oncology student learning pathway

Michelle Lafreniere, Joy Bunsko


Growing oncology expertise: C3 development ladder

Celia Aiello, Angela Banjar


Barriers, facilitators and motivations to pursue specialty certification in oncology nursing: The case of BC oncology nurses

Jagbir Kaur, Megan Crosby, Scott Beck, Andrea Knox, Charlotte Neville, Sonya Sangha, Leah Lambert


Crossing the chasm: Building relationships between clinical trial and cancer care nurses to improve clinical trial recruitment in Nova Scotia

Alison Avery, Holly Robinson, Victoria Roberts, Donna Sutherland, Lorrie Yunace


Implementing New Cervical Brachytherapy Program: Nursing Perspective

Kassandra Gallichan, Baillie Gibson, Janny Proba, Maja Tuta


Managing infusion reactions: Optimizing scope for timely intervention

Carolyn Fifield1, Deb Barnhill1, Meghan Bragg1, Kate Heighton=, Kara Jamieson2, Navanna Pelletier2, Joy Tarasuk1


Preventing and managing complications of high-dose methotrexate

Laurie Ann Holmes


Network leadership: Lessons learned

Chelsea Ilagan, Gabrielle Chartier


The power of nursing: Nurse driven decision tool to manage toxicities with Acute promyelocytic leukemia

Laurie Ann Holmes


Impact of obtaining patient-reported symptoms from patients with metastatic breast cancer

Joy Bunkso1, Savitri Singh-Carlson1, Michael McKenzie1, Antony Porcino1, Frances Wong1, LeeAnn Martin1, Rebecca Mattson2 


Improving sleep quality after cancer: What does the evidence tell us?

Caroline Arbour1-2, Karine Bilodeau1,3, Samantha Mayo4-5, Josée Savard6, Imran Ahmad3


Developing a competency-based educational framework for palliative care in home and community

Gayatre Maharaj, Tanya Baker

Optimizing the strength within: Integrating palliative care in hematologic oncology

Reanne Booker1,2


Enhancing delivery of palliative care on an acute care oncology unit through the use of simulation-based learning

Amina Malik, Sarah Yip, Sarah Branton


Recognizing the needs and challenges of the pediatric cancer survivor and the pivotal role nursing plays

Connie Richardson


Addressing suffering in children living with cancer and their families

Kimberley Widger


Psychological distress in pediatric cancer: Measuring the issue in children and their families and intervening to improve quality of life

Lindsay Jibb


Working together to foster treatment innovation for pediatric cancer

Nadine Prévost, Christina Sit


Chemo Smartbook: Strengthening systemic therapy scheduling at BC Cancer

Anika Patel


Real-world implementation barriers and facilitators of electronic patient-reported outcomes (PROs) in oncology in Quebec: A qualitative study

Sylvie Lambert12, Mona Maghalaes2, Manon deRaad2, Zeev Rosberger3, Tarek Hjal4, Krisen Jean Julien2, Adrian Langleben5, Fabienne Germeil5, Jossephine Lemy Dantica5, Christine Bouchard4, Marie Solange Bernatchez4


Introducing MySymptom Report: A comprehensive electronic patient-reported outcome questionnaire to support oncology practice

April Hildebrand1, Claire Link1, Andrea DeIure1, Linda Watson1,2


Enhancing immunotherapy safety: The use of electronic patient-reported outcomes for detection and prediction of immune-related adverse events

Saeed Moradian1, Mahdieh Dastjerdi1, Catriona Buick1, Charlotte T. Lee2, Doris Howell3


The leading role of nurses in providing patient-centred care for patients with ambulatory 5-Fluorouracil infusors

Tracey Huber1, Denise Bryant-Lukosius2, Nancy Carter2, Sharon Kaasalainen2


Oncology nurses as partners in head and neck cancer treatment recovery: The development of a nurse-led gastrostomy tube removal clinic

Claire Kelly, Jennifer Deering, Melanie Woodside, Simonne Simon, Simranjit Kooner


Living well with pancreatic cancer. Maintaining excellence in oncology nursing care for patients and their families living with pancreatic cancer

Carolyn Kei1, Orla Adams2


The impact of peer support on the psychosocial functioning and social support of young adults with gynecological cancer

Rey Ann Carter


An overview of targeted systemic cancer therapy

Jodi Hyman


Closed-loop medication management - A QI initiative

Taslin Janmohamed-Velani


Administration of systemic therapy for cancer on non-oncology inpatient units

Carolyn Fifield1, Christina Fraga2, Claudia Harding3, Julia Kaal4, Marilyn Landry1, Jennifer LeBlanc1, Erin Leith5, Al Logan6, Mary Kate MacDougall7, Laura V. Minard3, Josee Rioux1, Hilary Ripley1, Alex Tarasuk1, Joy Tarasuk1, Terra Thibault1, Ray Wright1


Levelling up: Defining the levels of care for systemic therapy administration in Nova Scotia

Kara Jamieson, Jill Petrella, Meghan Bragg, Carolyn Fifield, Joy Tarasuk, Bruce Colwell, Deb Barnhill, Joanne Houlihan, Erin Wentzell


Exploring oncology patient self-management support in baccalaureate nursing curriculum: A case study approach

Carrie MacDonald-Liska1, Jennifer Mitton1, Cathy MacDonald1, Maureen Coady1, Doris Howell2


Supportive care needs among adults affected by hematological cancers and their caregivers

Samantha J. Mayo


Patient education pamphlets and usual care are not enough; what do patient decision aids offer patients facing cancer decisions?

Dawn Stacey1,2, Joelle Doucet3, Alda Kiss3, Maureen Smith, Meg Carley2, Karina Dahl-Steffensen4, Bob Volk5 for the Cochrane Patient Decision Aids Review Team


Personas and journey maps to illustrate patients’ life stories and contextualize patient-reported outcome measures in cancer care

Jae-Yung Kwon1, Melissa Moynihan2, Francis Lau1, Angela C. Wolff3, Maria-Jose Torrejon4, Geraldine Irlbacher1, Amanda L. Joseph1, Lorraine Wilson5, Hilary Horlock6, Lillian Hung2, Leah K Lambert5, Rick Sawatzky3


Medical assistance in dying in Canada: An update on the amended legislation

Reanne Booker


Perspectives of family members of MAID recipients: Considerations for oncology nurses

Tracy Powell1, Kelli Stajduhar2


End-of-life care among adults with hematological malignancies: Implications for nursing practice

Argin Malakian, Jocelyn Brown


Nurse-parent relational complexity within pediatric oncology contexts: Navigating closeness, conflict, and online and offline communication

Katherine Webber, Nancy Moules


Understanding the family dynamics of emerging adults diagnosed with blood cancer and their parents and siblings

Sandip Dhaliwal


Developing an adolescent and young adult program within CancerCare Manitoba – Initial steps

Mackenzie Jansen


Addressing the complex needs of adolescents and young adults (AYAs) diagnosed with a hematological cancer

Alessia Lamanna, Aisha Winn, Graeme Oliver


Primary nursing model in practice: Halifax Cancer Care Program, Ambulatory Oncology

Colleen Colville, Lisa Bourne


Radiation oncology team-based care: A post-implementation overview of system, patient, and nursing outcomes at BC Cancer – Kelowna

Dana Dalgleish, Letecia Hayes, Jessica Nadeau


Organizing and carrying out a massive transfer of oncology activities to a new building: The experience of CHU de Québec-UL

Audrey Paquet-Beaupré, Sonya Deraspe, Maria-Gabriela Ruiz-Mangas, Isabelle Germain


How to prioritize safety in the context of a major developmental project

Sonya Deraspe, Audrey Paquet-Beaupré, Maria Gabriela Ruiz Mangas


A maelstrom of feelings: Psychosocial wellbeing of female patients with hormone receptor-positive breast cancer and its nursing implications

Jue (Lois) Luo


Preferences for psychoeducational interventions among caregivers of patients undergoing allogeneic stem cell transplant for hematological malignancy

Grace Kusi1,2,3, Charlotte T. Lee4,Viswabandya Auro2, Martine Puts1,2, Samantha J. Mayo1,2


E-Learning modules for oncology nurses to better address psychosocial issues in young adults: A collaborative project with the LLSC

Karine Bilodeau1–2, Billy Vinette1–2, Pascale Rousseau3, Jolyane Pelletier3, Charlotte Gélinas-Gagné2, Nicolas Fernandez4


What do cancer survivors believe caused their cancer? A secondary analysis using the Causes Subscale of the Illness Perceptions Questionnaire

Jacqueline Galica1, Stephanie Saunders2, Ziwei Pan1, Amina Silva1, Hok Kan Ling1


Developing an evidence- and experience-informed educational resource for gynecological cancer survivors and their caregivers

Jacqueline Galica1, Amina Silva1, Kathleen Robb2


The unmet survivorship needs of adolescent and young adult cancer survivors

Mackenzie Jansen


The strength within: One Black oncology nurse practitioner’s survival story

Corsita Teresa Garraway


Strengthening from within: Informing policy to optimize the clinical nurse specialist workforce in oncology

Leah K. Lambert1,2, Sandra Lauck2, Denise Bryant-Lukosius3, Jagbir Kaur1, Scott Beck1, Jonquil Francis1, Charissa Chiu1, Andrea Knox1, Sally Thorne2


Designing engagement strategies for genomics-informed oncology nursing: Comparative prospective cross-jurisdictional policy analysis [DESIGN: Policy]

Jacqueline Limoges1, Kate Leslie2, April Pike3, Patrick Chiu2, Rebecca Puddester3, Lindsay Carlsson4, Sarah Dewell5, Lorelei Newton6, Nicole Letourneau7, Andrea Gretchev8, Emma Tonkin9, Kathy Calzone10


The future of HPV testing in times of international transition

Alessia Lamanna1, Catriona Buick1,2


Standardizing pregnancy testing and contraceptive counselling practices for patients of reproductive potential undergoing anticancer therapies

Luisa Luciani Castiglia, Joanne Power, Annie Leung, Selda Elmas


The RPM: A benevolent tool to support people living with cancer

Sabrina Lapointe, Arnela Kovac, Sarah Darveau, Vincent Beauregard


Oncology nurses’ experiences with virtual care in Canada: Preliminary findings

Charlotte T. Lee1, Lorelei Newton2, Catriona Buick3, Jennifer Lounsbury4, Shari Moura5,  Elizabeth Borycki2, Jason Wong6, Minkyoung A. Kweon1, Katelyn Marcelo1, Margaret Fitch6


APOLLO: personalized rehAbilitation PrOgram in aLLOgeneic bone marrow transplantation

Edith Pituskin, Puneeta Tandon, Irwindeep Sandhu, Margaret McNeely, Carla Prado, Gabor Gyenes, Mark Haykowsky, Richard Thompson


Surgical transitions remote patient monitoring (RPM) program

Jennifer Lounsbury1, Kanae Nagatani1, Prathiba Harsha1, Micheal McGillion2, Kelly-Lynn Nancekivell3, Carley Ouellette3, Leonard Potts3, Janny Proba3, Karen Robinson3


Measuring the impact of new systemic therapy treatments

Carolyn Fifield1, Bruce Colwell2, Helmut Hollenhorst3, Joanne Houlihan3, Marilyn Landry3, Kelly Leadbeater3, Jill Petrella3, Joy Tarasuk3, Erin Wentzell3, Ian Wilson4


Fostering strength within: Establishing a provincial oncology educator community of practice

Kara Jamieson, Nicole Duerksen, Carolyn Fifield, Andrea Healey, Kate Heighton, Jeannie Kennedy, Sarah Lace, Mary-Kate MacDougall, Julia MacLeod, Melissa Paruch, Navanna Pelletier, Paula Watkins


Between the lines: How a book club impacted oncology nursing practice and staff wellbeing

Tanya MacDonald, Alisa MacBride Smith, Emily Gilpin


An undergraduate nursing student pursuing cancer care; Diagnosis, nursing school, advocacy

Taaha Ijaz


The power in empowerment: Development of a local peer support program

Lisa Lun, Michelle Ladouceur, Danielle Cameron McIndoo, Shaniza Sakoor, Liloutie Datt, Anita Datt


Strength within: A nurse-led pilot of remote patient monitoring for immunotherapy patients

Nicole Hudson, Stephanie Townsend


Utilizing a community outreach program to improve cancer health literacy

Gabriella Wong Ken


Acute outpatient management of immune effector cell therapy: The pivotal role of oncology nurses

Laura Olmi, Samantha Scime


Oncology clinical trials nursing: Helping to fortify the strength within

Marcie Flynn-Post, Chana Korenblum


VIRTUal clinical trials navigation to improve Outcomes for Princess Margaret advanced SOlid tumour patients (VIRTUOSO)

Lindsay Carlsson, Rachel Taylor, Luana Flores Pereira 


The Nursing Role in the DOvEEgene Study: An opportunity for future innovations to improve timely access to care for women with symptoms of gynecologic cancers

Lucy, Gilbert1, Joelle Malek2


The role of a clinical nurse specialist in the development of an oncology nursing research centre

L. Cooper1,2  A. Julius1, S.J. Mayo1,2 


Oncology nurses’ readiness to provide person-centred care informed by genomics: A mixed-methods study

Rebecca Puddester1, Joy Maddigan1, April Pike1, Holly Etchegary2, Angela Hyde2,3, Lesa Dawson2,4, Kathleen Stevens1


Supporting the transition: Examining a nurse practitioner-led intervention for gynecological cancer survivors

Alexandra Lawrynuik1, Jacqueline Galica1, Jan Giroux2


Understanding how to better support oncology nurses in conducting advanced care planning in BC’s Cancer Care System

Heather M Kilgour1,2, A Fuchsia Howard2, Michael McKenzie1,2, Sally Thorne2, Leah K Lambert1,2


The genetic evolution of AML: Implications for nursing practice

Hassan Zahreddine


Exploring the need for Human Leukocyte Antigen (HLA) matched platelets in patients diagnosed with a hematological cancer

Alessia Lamanna, Aisha Winn


Strategic collaboration between cancer patient organizations and Canadian Oncology Nurses: Learning from myeloma patient groups worldwide

Martine Elias1, Beth Faiman2


An overview of myeloproliferative neoplasms, symptom assessment and the shared-care model at Princess Margaret Cancer Centre

Verna Cheung, Hassan Sibai, Aniket Bankar, Marta Davidson, Vikas Gupta, Dawn Maze


Connect and exchange for system transformation – A workshop for oncology practice leaders

Joy Tarasuk, Kara Jamieson, Julia Kaal, Carolyn Fifield, Pamela Robichaud, Julia MacLeod, Carla MacDonald, Natasha McMaster, Margaret Ann Morrison, Helmut Hollenhorst


How to start that conversation?â€: A simulation about sexual health among breast cancer survivors

Amina Silva1, Jacqueline Galica1, Kevin Woo1, Laura Killam1, Jovina Concepcion Bachynski1, Reanne Booker2, Janet Giroux14, Debora Stark3, Marian Luctkar-Flude1


Targeting nurses’ needs and leveraging strengths to accelerate genomics-informed practices: Results from the GGNPS-CA Survey

Lindsay Carlsson, Jacqueline Limoges, April Pike, Nicole Letourneau, Ann Meyers, Rebecca Puddester


Intégration d’un dépistage systématique de la fragilité onco-gériatrique par l’infirmière; les retombées d’un projet pilote

Marie-Ève Bélanger, Maria Gabriela Ruiz Mangas


Évaluation et gestion de la détresse par les infirmières en oncologie : une revue de la portée

Jean-François Desbiens, Farida Hamidou, Gabrielle Griffith


Normes et compétences en radiooncologie : étude temps-mouvement de la pratique infirmière

Sonia Joannette, Bianca Prémont, Eve Turcotte-Audy


Oncology nursing at BC Cancer: A thoughtful trajectory of education, experiences, and emergence

Michelle LaFreniere, Jeevan Dosanjh, Crystele Montpetit


Onboarding an internationally educated nurse on a transplant and cellular therapy inpatient unit

Phillip Nguyen1,2, Olga Pivovarova1


Designing a specialized oncology nursing transition to practice pathway: A Nova Scotia experience

Kara Jamieson, Kate Heighton, Carolyn Fifield, Paula Watkins, Pamela Robichaud, Karen Swan, Andrea MacDonald, Melissa Paruch, Joy Tarasuk, Carla MacDonald


Informing the role, onboarding, and transition to practice of nurse practitioners in community oncology: A pilot project in Nova Scotia

K. Julia Kaal1,2,3, Kara Jamieson1, Duana d’Entremont1, Pam Robichaud1, Jennifer Murdoch3, Joy Tarasuk1, Margaret Ann Morrison1, Sudeep Shivakumar1, Helmut Hollenhorst1


Addressing gaps in transitions for lymphoma/chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) follow-up patients with an NP-led model

Jessica Holmes, Laura Patton, Karyn McKeever, Tara Baetz, Leslie Young, Renée Hartzell


Developing a nurse practitioner-led outpatient CART follow-up program at Princess Margaret Cancer Centre

Susan Jomha, Zubaida Mohamed, Christina Zeglinski, Sita Bhella, Christine Chen


Optimizing the nurse practitioner role to meet patient and health service needs in complex malignant hematology: A qualitative descriptive study

Margaret Forbes1,2, Nancy Carter2, Kerry Balonjan2, Kristi MacKenzie1, Tom Kouroukis1,3, Jennifer Lounsbury1,2, Dr. Denise Bryant-Lukosius1,2


Effectiveness of cancer patient navigation on diagnostic resolution and treatment initiation in patients with primary lung cancer in Manitoba

Elizabeth Agnew Kazina


Cancer patient navigation – A Canadian perspective to enhance oncology nursing excellence

Sarah Champ1, Catherine Dixon2, Heather Brander3, Elizabeth Agnew Kazina4


Patient reported outcomes (PROs) in cancer care: Leadership and nursing strengths

Renata Benc1, Karine Lepage1, Gabrielle Chartier1, Nathalie El-Haddad1, Nathalie Leon1, Lucie Tremblay1, Catherine Bigras1, George Loutichin2, Carmen G Loiselle1,3


Early palliative care across Canada: A scoping review

Stephanie Lelond1,2, Vanessa Slobogian3


Insights into the relationship between patient-initiated telephone calls and women treated for gynecological cancer: A retrospective study

Catriona Buick1,2, Angela Leahey1, Virginia Waring1, Alessia Lamanna1, Meagan Kennedy1, Saeed Moradian2, Akinkunle Oye-Somefun1,2,3, Danielle Vicus1, Lilian Gien1


A new integrated cancer centre: An opportunity for an evolution of our nursing cancer care organization

Marie-Ève Bélanger, Maria Gabriela Ruiz Mangas


The implementation of a clinical resource nurse in the ambulatory care setting: A pilot


A new integrated cancer centre: An opportunity for an evolution of our nursing cancer care organization

Erika Brown1, Lorelei Newton2, Renata Benc3, Catriona Buick4, Reanne Booker5, Amber Killam6, Mark Given7, Charles Kirkby8, Samantha Lloyd9, Shaun Loewen10, Teri Stuckless11, Laura Zychla6


The strength of oncology nursing: Building a nurse-led program that facilitates in-home care for allogeneic stem cell transplant recipients

Samantha Scime, Zoe Evans, Katie McNamara, Laura Olmi, Susan Clarke


Developing a Home Parenteral Nutrition Program for Oncology Patients in a Community Hospital: The Expectation vs the Reality

Lisa Coles1, Pam Szabo-Kode1


Optimization of workup pathways to improve access to cancer care programs and patients’ experiences in rural and underserved communities

Aimee Brenna1, Candice Wilkie1, Enam Alsrayheen2, Jane Pham2, Mandy Nicholson1, Sue Chisholm3, Valerie Nugent1, Amanda Caissie3,4, Abdulmajeed Dayyat1,4


Oncotype by nurse, a new process to identify high-risk patients and to expedite treatment in early-stage breast cancer

Christine Bayne


Bridging the knowledge gap: Development of an e-learning course on geriatric oncology

Susie Monginot1, Arielle Berger4, Linda Cerullo1, Elizabeth Faour1, Selynne Guo2, Andrew Holowynch3, Rana Jin1, Alana Miller4, Richard Norman4, Tina Papadakos3, Schroder Sattar5, Shabbir Alibhai2


Co-designing a tailored self-management app with older adults with cancer and multimorbidities

Kristen Haase1, Sang-Wha Sien2, Francis Kobekyaa1, Margaret Tompson3, Penelope Hedges3, Martine Puts5, Leanne Currie1, Ireena Baro2


Nurse-led assessment using patient-reported outcomes among older adults with cancer

Erika Martinez1, Renata Benc1, Gabrielle Chartier1, George Loutochin1,2, Nathalie El Haddad1, Karine Lepage1, Carmen Loiselle1


Implementing geriatric assessment and management for older Canadians with cancer: Adherence to and satisfaction with the intervention, results of the 5C Trial

Martine Puts1, Jihad Abou Ali Waked1, Fay Strohschein2, Henriette Breunis3, Naser Alqurini4, Arielle Berger5, Lindy Romanovsky5, Johanne Monette6, Rajin Mehta7, Anson Li8, Doreen Wan-Chow-Wah6, Rama Koneru9, Ewa Szumacher10, Caroline Mariano11, Tina Hsu12, Sarah Brennenstuhl1, Eitan Amir13,14, Monika K. Krzyzanowska13, Christine Elser13,14, Raymond Jang13, Anca Prica13, Eric Pitters*, Urban Emmenegger15, Ines B. Menjak15, Simon Bergman16, Manon Lemonde17, Francois Beland18, Shabbir M.H. Alibhai19

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