The experiences of living with multiple myeloma and a palliative approach to care: A grounded theory study
Purpose: Multiple myeloma is an incurable hematologic cancer. A palliative approach to care can be used in conjunction with curative therapy to alleviate suffering, but is underutilized in the hemato-oncology population. The purpose of this study was to explore living with multiple myeloma and individuals’ experiences with, and perceptions of a palliative approach in their care.
Methods: Straussian grounded theory was employed. Ten individuals with multiple myeloma participated between October 2021 and May 2022.
Results: A theoretical model depicting the process of living with multiple myeloma was developed. Seven categories emerged from the data, as well as a core category: ‘existing in the liminal space between living with and dying from multiple myeloma’. Results demonstrate that a palliative approach to care was inconsistently utilized.
Conclusions: The model designed from the participant data offers an explanation of the process of living with multiple myeloma and how a palliative approach to care can be utilized to help these individuals.
Keywords: multiple myeloma, palliative approach to care, grounded theory
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