Psychosocial factors associated with the intention of breast cancer survivors to regularly practise moderate physical activity
Introduction: Regular physical activity (PA) can be beneficial to breast cancer survivors, although the majority do not devote sufficient time to the practice. The long-term side effects of cancer treatment represent barriers to adopting healthy lifestyle habits.Â
Goal: Identify factors that influence the intention to practise regular PA among breast cancer survivors.
Methodology: A correlational study was conducted among my Active Health (Ma Santé Active) program participants (N = 136), using a self-administered questionnaire based on the theory of planned behaviour.
Findings: Multiple regression analysis shows that attitude, perceived control, behavioural beliefs and control beliefs are the determinants of intention.
Discussion and conclusion: It is recommended to design interventions based on these determinants to strengthen the behavioural intention of breast cancer survivors. The paper will also inform healthcare professionals about the intervention targets to be utilized to motivate women with a breast cancer diagnosis to engage in regular PA.Â
Keywords: intention, theory of planned behaviour, determinants, physical activity, breast cancer, role of nursing in survivorship
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