Quality of life in men after total cystoprostatectomy: Perceptions of Tunisian patients
Introduction: Total cystoprostatectomy (TCP) causes many changes in the postoperative quality of life leading to psychological, physical, social and sexual repercussions that are difficult to manage. This study aims to describe the postoperative quality of life of elderly Tunisian men who had a TCP as a result of a bladder cancer.
Methods: A descriptive quantitative study was conducted with 40 cystoprostatectomized men. Data collection tools were the Stoma-quality of life (QOL) questionnaire of Prieto, Thorsen, and Juul (2005) translated and validated to the Arabic language, and the Arabic version of the International Index of Erectile Function (IIEF5) questionnaire validated by Shamloul, Ghanem and Abou-Zeid (2004).
Results: 77.5% of participants had a very low quality-of-life score. All dimensions of quality of life—body image, physical, psychological, family and social life, and sexuality—were affected. In addition, all participants have suffered from severe sexual impotence after surgery.Â
Conclusion: Counselling pre and postoperatively needed to facilitate the postoperative transition and ensure a better quality of life related to the health of men with bladder cancer.
Key words: bladder cancer, total cystoprostatectomy, quality of life, nursing
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