Understanding compassionate care from the patient perspective: Highlighting the experience of head and neck cancer care

Mahiya Habib, Melissa B. Korman, Lital Aliasi-Sinai, Sophia den Otter-Moore, Lesley Gotlib Conn, Alva Murray, Marlene Carno Jacobson, Danny Enepekides, Kevin Higgins, Janet Ellis


Objectives: To address the knowledge gap in the practice of compassionate healthcare by elucidating patient perspectives on compassion, empathy, and sympathy.

Methods: Semi-structured telephone interviews were conducted at two time points with patients undergoing head and neck cancer treatment. Questions explored participants’ understanding of compassion, sympathy, and empathy, as they relate to each other and to healthcare. Interviewers manually recorded responses. Qualitative exploratory methods were used to analyze data; inductive line-by-line coding was conducted to develop primary codes. Themes emerged through categorization of codes.

Results: Ninety-five interviews conducted with 63 participants across two time points revealed four major themes – Compassion-vs-Empathy-vs-Sympathy, Coping Methods, Showing Care, and Nature of Interaction – encompassing seven categories, with a total of 24 codes. Codes were consistent across time points, except for two new codes, “positivity†and “personalized†emerging during follow-up interviews.

Conclusions: Patient narrative from this study supported the concept that compassion is multidimensional and enabled several dimensions to be identified, highlighting the importance of patient perspectives in improving the provision of compassionate healthcare. Findings should be considered in future training and practice.

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