Guiding the Clinical Nurse Specialist role in oncology within Princess Margaret Cancer Centre

Verna Cheung, Jocelyn Brown, Anet Julius, Laura Mitchell, Shari Moura, Rana Jin


In 2019, the Canadian Nurses Association (CNA) published the Advanced Practice Nursing: A Pan-Canadian Framework, defining and highlighting the competencies of the clinical nurse specialist role (CNS). In response to the CNA publication, the CNS Community of Practice (CoP) at Princess Margaret Cancer Centre (PM) reviewed how the oncology CNS roles at PM aligned with the CNA competencies. The primary goal was to utilize the CNA (2019) document to guide the development of a PM CNS role-clarity document and new-hire CNS pathway to assist the onboarding process for new CNS hires at PM. The secondary goal was to raise awareness of the diverse CNS oncology roles at a local and national level through developing, implementing, and disseminating the PM CNS role-clarity document and new-hire CNS pathway. 

Keywords: Clinical Nurse Specialist, role-clarity, nursing practice guidelines, oncology

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